PO Box 328 College Station, New York, NY | 646.316.4090 | info@cemonline.org
Handling Difficult Cases Among Children

Handling Difficult Cases Among Children

It is not uncommon to find a segment of children and youth embroiled in what seem like a life and death battle- situations that that baffles most people including the experts. In most instances, everyone is often left to wonder the source of such problems or what their cure (if any) could be.

Why are some children unusually stubborn, slow or shabby? What is the cause of some recurring unexplainable sicknesses, strange behaviors some children exhibits? Is there more than medical, psychological explanation to these situations?

This seminar is designed to address this intriguing phenomenon in broad terms and also focus on selected issues including spiritual and emotional challenges children and youth face.


Among other things, you will learn (how to):

  • Establish parameters of parenting to guide against unnecessary panic
  • X-ray behaviors beyond the surface appearance to position you for timely action
  • Pray for interventions and access other divine resources to deal with the issues
  • Limit the negative impact of occurrences in your past or current circumstances
  • Occupy the right positions early to forestall being exploited by man or spirit forces
  • Raise the child facing challenges to defend self & retain victory with minimal help
  • Establish helpful links with people and resources for future need and interventions


Resultant Benefits

Participants will be (able to):

  • Positioned to deal with difficult situations regarding your children with confidence
  • Optimize use of resources (spiritual/others) so the child & family can live normal lives
  • Weave fun and humor into tense situations to diffuse tensions and enjoy sanity
  • Extend support to others in need/dealing with difficult situations in their own families
  • Release self from guilt (both perceived and otherwise) and focus on the real task